CAGD: MasterTrack 6 – 2024
April 11, 2024 - April 14, 2024

MT 6: Year 4 Curriculum
Session 1: Thursday April 11th – Sunday April 14th, 2024
Session 2: Thursday October 10th – Sunday October 13th, 2024
Location: Marriott Irvine Spectrum 7905 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine CA 92618
Session 1:
Thursday & Friday, April 11th & 12th
Speaker: Dr. John DiPonziano
Sponsored by: HiOssen
This lecture and hands-on workshop is designed to provide the GP with the ability to treat the simple implant dentistry indications seen in their practice. Topics to be covered include patient communication and motivation, diagnosis and treatment planning, radiograph and CT scan interpretation, record keeping and failure avoidance. Surgical placement & restoration of implants will be taught.
Saturday, April 13th
Oral Surgery & Sedation Presentations
Speaker: Dr. Karl Koerner & Dr. Guy Acheson
The participants will give a short presentation to the group and moderator. Pertinent comments and questions will be raised by those in attendance. Those who attended the previous lectures and present will be given up to 12 hours of hands-on credit in Sedation Dentistry and 40 in Oral Surgery.
Sunday, April 14th
Occlusion/Fixed Prosthetics I
Speaker: TBD
This session will serve as an introduction and form a foundation for the three-day program in October. Topics to be covered include: differential diagnosis of head and neck pain, TMD and occlusion (how and when are they related?), medications and splint therapy used to effectively treat TMD, management of occlusal forces, tooth wear, para-function and bruxing. There will be a review of the literature and a discussion on articulator selection. Participants are urged to bring mounted study models of potential patients for discussion.
Thursday, October 10th
Implant Presentations
Speaker: Dr. John DiPonziano
The participants will give a short presentation to the group and moderator. Pertinent comments and questions will be raised by those in attendance. Those who attended the previous lectures and present will be given up to 40 hours of hands-on credit in Implant Dentistry.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday Oct. 11th, 12th & 13th
Occlusion/Fixed Prosthetics II
Speaker: TBD
These three sessions will prepare the participants for their final presentation in October. Participants will evaluate mounted study casts, dental x-rays and TMJ tomograms and develop treatment plans for patients with a variety of occlusal and skeletal disorders. The class will learn the new classifications of malocclusion, esthetic guidelines, related to maxillary and mandibular dysphasia, facial thirds, the E line and the relationship to anterior tooth wear and the Curve of Spee. Occlusal vertical dimension can be, and how much it should be altered. Two step occlusion, segmented rehabilitation and maintaining the OVD and the centric relation position will also be covered.
*** Marriott Irvine Spectrum sold out—rooms still available at the Courtyard Irvine Spectrum for $199 a night next door until 9/27/24 ***
Group Rate Courtyard Irvine Spectrum