SSAGD: Straight Wire Ortho for the GP
April 27, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Course Title: Straight Wire Ortho for the GP
When: April 27, 2019; 8:30 am – 5 pm, All day Saturday Class
Where: At Valley Hi Country Club, Elk Grove, CA 95758
Tuition: $85 members, $155 Non-members – Including full breakfast and lunch, an opportunity to win raffle prizes, free SSAGD swag and a great opportunity to meet and mingle with your colleagues.
CE: 8 CE Lecture Units
Orthodontics is one aspect of dentistry that we often feel the least knowledgeable when we graduate from dental school. Yet, understanding orthodontics and proper occlusion will help all aspects of your dentistry as you treat your patients. You will start to think with the big picture in mind when treatment planning and addressing your patients concerns and chief complaints.
We invite you to joint us to learn how you can integrate orthodontics into your practice. You will learn how you can treat all the patients in your practice from patients in mixed stage to adult patients.
Dr. Joseph Viviano will lead this all day class at Valley Hi Country Club and is looking to answering all your questions.
Presented by Progressive Orthodontic Seminars Progressive Orthodontics is the leader in orthodontic training and has a proven program of success.
Dr. Joseph Viviano graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, San Francisco, in 1983. His undergraduate studies included a doctorate degree in pharmacy in 1980.
Dr. Viviano travels internationally and lectures in the field of orthodontics. He has given seminars worldwide and continues to train general dentists in the most advanced areas of orthodontics.
He also lectures and consults in the field of office design and productivity, providing advanced office management techniques to general practitioners.
The doctor lives in Clements with wife, Lynn. He is an avid road bicyclist and enjoys horseback riding with Lynn on their three horses, Ringo, Whiskey and Willie. He has two sons, Eric and Tyler.