SSAGD – Navigating through the Tax Law Changes; How to benefit you and your Practice
January 24, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: Northridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Cost: $35 AGD members/$55 non-members;
Cancelation policy: Full refund if requested by January 10, 2019; No refund after that date.
2.5 Lecture CE (practice management subject code 550)
Bio: Neil has been providing public accounting services to clients for over 15 years and is a Principal in the Firm. Mr. Beeman focuses on business consulting, tax incentives calculation, tax planning, tax preparation for corporations, partnerships, individuals, trusts, and estates. Mr. Beeman deals directly with business owners, advising on options available that can assist with cash flow, tax compliance, retirement options, college planning, real estate and tax consultation. Mr. Beeman specializes in small to mid-size dental practices which he meets with them throughout the year with a goal of being a proactive business advocate who actively brings ideas for tax reduction to his clients.
Course description:
Back By Popular Demand, SSAGD is pleased to announce Mr. Neil Beeman of Mann, Urutia, and Nelson CPA’s in Roseville, CA will lead a discussion of the recent tax law changes. There will be some new changes in 2019 and you want to be prepared for them. Your questions regarding tax planning strategies, retirement savings, and the changing insurance landscape will be answered and discussed.
*Understand and learn about the new tax law changes for 2019
*How to strategize the most beneficial tax planning for both you and your practice
*Saving for retirement; is a 401K your best option?
*Learn how practice purchases and/or tenant improvements in 2019 will help you