CAGD: MasterTrack 6 – October 2023
October 12, 2023 @ 8:00 am - October 15, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Session 1: Thursday, April 6th to Sunday April 9th, 2023
Session 2: Thursday, October 12th to Sunday October 15th, 2023
Location: Marriott Irvine Spectrum 7905 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine CA 92618
Session 1:
Thursday & Friday, April 6 – 7 th
Speaker: Dr. Matthew Chesler
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Critical essential elements of success, including pulpal breakdown, root canal system anatomy, access cavities, and irrigation solutions, working length, new instrument designs, cleaning and shaping strategies will be addressed. Participants in the hands-on session will have the use of an endo motor and other tools required to do advanced root canal treatment. Diagnosis, access and instrument selection will be covered. The use of Nickel Titanium rotary and reciprocal files will be demonstrated. Different filling techniques will be covered including Therma Fill and a system for back filling canals. Students may elect to bring extracted teeth or work on blocks. All necessary equipment and supplies will be courtesy of Dentsply Sirona.
Saturday, April 8th
Presentations in Special Patient Care & Esthetics
Speakers: Dr. Eric Shapira & Dr. Todd Snyder
The participants will give a short presentation to the group and moderator. Pertinent comments and questions will be raised by those in attendance. Those who attended the previous lectures and present will be given up to 12 hours of hands-on credit in Special Patient Care and 40 in Esthetics.
Sunday, April 9th
Pediatric Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Daniela Silva
This 6-hour lecture will serve as an update in current techniques and materials used to treat children. A variety of topics will be covered including Stainless Steel Crown preparation including the “open-face” technique and celluloid strip crowns. Pulp therapy and traumatic injuries to primary and young permanent teeth will be taught as well as diagnosis and treatment planning for space maintainers. Inhalation sedation and current protocols for behavior management will also be discussed.
Session 2:
Thursday & Friday, October 12 – 13th
Oral Surgery
Speaker: Dr. Karl Koerner
This is an advanced course for GPs. The material covered is taught in the first year of an oral surgery residence program. Techniques will be taught to enable general dentists to simplify difficult extractions, doing them more quickly, safely, predictably and atraumatically. Covered topics will include impacted third molar extractions, multiple extractions and bone grafting.
Saturday, October 14 th
Presentations in Endodontics & Pediatric Dentistry
Speakers: Dr. Matthew Chesler & Dr. Daniela Silva
The participants will give a short presentation to the group and moderators. Pertinent comments and questions will be raised by those in attendance. Those who attended the previous lectures in April and present will be given up to 12 hours of hands-on credit in Pediatric Dentistry and up to 40 in Endodontics.
Sunday, October 15th
Sedation Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Brian Huang
This course will be an intensive review of anxiety and pain control. Participants will be introduced to current concepts of providing minimal and moderate sedation techniques for optimal patient satisfaction. Participants will also receive up to date clinical and epidemiological information regarding responsible opioid prescribing along with effective post-operative pain management strategies.