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CAGD: MasterTrack 7 – 2025

April 10 - April 13



Session 1: Thursday April 10th – Sunday April 13th, 2025
Session 2 : Thursday October 9th – Sunday October 10th, 2025

Location: Marriott Irvine Spectrum 7905 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine CA 92618



Thursday & Friday April 10th & 11th

Operative Dentistry

Speaker: Dr. Richard Young
Sponsored by: Kuraray America

This hands-on course will focus on contemporary tooth-colored restorations. Time will be split between direct esthetic restorations vs. the world of indirect, modern ceramic restorations including full and partial veneers. The focus will be on the principles of adhesion, material science driven selection rubrics and delivery techniques for optimal patient outcomes. These two sessions of 16 lecture hours will provide, with presentation, 32 hours of participation units in Operative Dentistry.


Saturday April 12th

MasterTrack Presentations/Electives

Protocol presentions on Occlusion and Fixed Prosthodontics will be given by MT6. MT7 will participate in a study club setting and learn how to give their own presentations. MT7 attendees will receive 8 elective participation CE.

Sunday April 13th

Anatomy of Oral Anesthesia

Speaker: Dr. Gina Salatino

The pharmacologic mechanisms and delivery techniques of local anesthesia will be covered.  Appropriate use of various local anesthetics and how to solve some of the difficulties that arise in obtaining profound anesthesia will be discussed.  This 6-hour lecture, with homework, will provide 12 participation units in Basic Science.



Session 2:

Thursday & Friday October 9th & 10th



Speaker: Dr. Avi Schetritt
Sponsored by: Anutra

This two-day program will review periodontal diagnosis, prognosis, and surgical therapy. The principles of flap design, soft tissue grafting, and crown lengthening will be covered. The program will include hands-on labs to apply the techniques discussed. At the end of the lecture participants will also have an understanding of free and connective tissue grafting, suturing techniques, post-op care and management and autologous growth factors (PRF, PRGF). These two sessions will provide, with presentation, 32 participation units in Periodontics.

Saturday October 11th


Protocol Presentations

Speaker: Drs. Hakim, Acheson & TBA

Participants will present and discuss homework projects from the previous session in operative, basic science and photography. Participation is necessary to receive full credit in these categories. Those who do not present will be given hour for hour lecture credit only.   

Sunday October 12th


Oral Diagnosis

Speaker: TBA

A broad overview of the art and science of oral diagnosis and treatment planning with emphasis on health history, oral pathology and caries management. This 6-hour lecture with protocol presentation will yield 12 units of participation in Oral Diag. /Oral Med.  





Tuition for 2025 is $7,100 payable in 2 payments (November 1, 2024 & February 1, 2025).To sign up, please email Terri:

[email protected]


By registering and attending this event you are giving permission to be in a photograph/video of the event unless you ask not to. Click here for the full details of our photo/video policy.




April 10
April 13
Event Categories:


Marriott Irvine Spectrum
7905 Irvine Center Dr.
Irvine, CA 92618 United States


Terri Iwamoto-Wong
(877) 408-0738